While breathing is an automatic action we all do, it is also worth remembering how conscious breathing can affect our well-being. Controlling your breathing can have a calming effect, boost your immune system and even increase your energy levels. In addition, it also has a measurable impact on your blood pressure.
For an in-depth explanation of how your breathing works and related exercises, we invite you to join our workshop on Friday 5th July from 19:15h to 20:15h.
Is this something for you? Manu, experienced breathing coach, will teach you the basics of mastering a correct breathing technique. He will observe and correct during the session if he notices that you are unconsciously holding your breath, breathing irregularly or not breathing deeply enough from your belly. Fancy joining in? Click on the green button below:
In this subsequent session of 08:15pm, the breath circle itself, you will tackle the root cause of the stress you experience in your life, to “liberate” yourself from recurring negative thoughts, expressions of limiting beliefs that keep you in their grip. You do this through Conscious Connected Breathing.
"Conscious" because you consciously work with your breathing, and with your (transformation) intention for the breathwork you will be doing.
"Connected" because the inhalation and exhalation follow each other in a connected manner, meaning without pauses between the inhalation and exhalation.
During this breath circle we explore in group the power of your breathing to release and transform.
There is a limit on the number of participants to the breath circle of 08:15pm, max 12, so register quickly by clicking the green button below:
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